NWO grant for business plan hDMT INFRA

hDMT has received funding (50k euro) from the program ‘Small projects for routes of the Dutch Research Agenda 2020 (NWA)’. With this grant a detailed business plan will be developed for a long-term self-sustainable Organ-on-Chip (OoC) infrastructure in the Netherlands (hDMT INFRA).


hDMT has received funding (50k euro) from the program ‘Small projects for routes of the Dutch Research Agenda 2020 (NWA)’. With this grant a detailed business plan will be developed for a long-term self-sustainable Organ-on-Chip infrastructure in the Netherlands (hDMT INFRA) with non-profit Expertise and Facility Centers within a national infrastructure framework. Case studies of the first two pilot centers (OoCCT: Organ-on-Chip Center Twente) and iPS & OoC Hotel (LUMC) will serve as a blueprint for centers at the other hDMT partners.

This project will initiate a robust Dutch OoC Infrastructure which will be a blueprint also for expansion within Europe. Goals are to have several hDMT INFRA sites officially recognized by regulatory authorities as independent OoC Qualification Centers that also act as catalysts for an internationally recognized OoC technology standard. The ultimate aim is to further expand the OoC infrastructure to other European countries, through international collaborations under the umbrella of EUROoCS. This will result in a strong European OoC infrastructure that delivers standardized and qualified OoC models, that are accepted as alternative systems by end users and regulators for large scale applications.

The NWA routes encourage a fusion of science and society. They ensure more involvement from the entire knowledge chain, bring relevant consortium partners together and facilitate knowledge utilisation. More than 3.3 million euros was awarded in this round. For an overview of the granted projects visit the NWO website.

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