Tumor-LN-oC project has kicked off

On May 7th, 2021 the Tumor-LN-oC project (Tumor and Lymph Node on Chip for cancer studies) was officially kicked off. The project is coordinated by the Institute of Communication and Computer Systems from Greece. TU Eindhoven with the Microsystems group Jaap den Toonder is one of the 11 partners in the project. hDMT Managing Director Janny van den Eijnden-van Raaij and John Martens, coordinator of the hDMT Cancer-on-Chip group are members of the Advisory Board.

The other partners involved in the Tumor-LN-oC project are the Biomedical Research Foundation Academy of Athens (Greece), Åbo Akademi (Finland), Alpes Lasers (Switzerland), Rayfos Ltd (UK), Vienna University of Technology (Austria), Elvesys (France), PhosPrint P.C. (Greece), Asphalion SL (Spain) and Amires (Czech Republic).

Tumor-LN-oC aims to offer a comprehensive solution for a robust, automated tumor-lymph node-on-chip platform that will connect primary surgically removed human tumors and LN tissue from the same cancer patient. This will allow to study the interaction of primary tumors with lymph nodes, identify their chemical signature, and offer personalized treatment relying on molecular characterization of lymph node metastasizing cells.

Read the press release. For more information about the project visit the Tumor-LN-oC website.

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