Legend Figure 1: Various WT retinal organoids, to serve specific purposes. The pictures above (L to R): (L): a (stained section from an) embryoid body developing into a retinal organoid showing a number of retinal cell layers. (M) a fully developed 3D WT human retinal organoid, including functional photoreceptors on the outside, inner cell layers underneath and an inner cell mass; (R) outgrowth of ganglion cell axons from a WT retinal organoid, representing a model for retinal, optic nerve and neurodegenerative disorders (Pictures: Philip Wagstaff 2021; partly unpublished).
Legend to Figure 2: 3-D cellular bioprinting of a new prototype model-in-a-dish for Age-related Macula Degeneration and the outer retina-blood barrier. (a) Impression cellular bioprinter installed at Bergen lab at Amsterdam UMC; (b) Top overview and (c) confocal microscopy: details of 3D reconstruction of the model after printing and cellular growth. (b and c): Defined Deposits (violet) and Retinal Pigment Epithelial cells (represented by blue nuclear DAPI staining) are printed on a solid support (Pictures recently presented on annual Neuroscience meeting Amsterdam: Estzer Emri, 2021)
Philip E. Wagstaff, Anneloor L. M. A. ten Asbroek, Jacoline B. ten Brink, Nomdo M. Jansonius & Arthur A. Bergen (2021) An alternative approach to produce versatile retinal organoids with accelerated ganglion cell development. Scientific Reports volume 11, Article number: 1101 (PMID: 33441707)
Arthur A. Bergen, Swati Aryad, Céline Koster, Matthew G.Pilgrim, Dagmara Wiatrek-Moumoulidis, Peter J. van der Spek, Stefanie M. Hauck, Camiel J.F. Boon, Eszter Emri, Alan J. Stewart, Imre Lengyel (2019) On the origin of human proteins in drusen (in age-related macular degeneration): the Meet, Greet and Stick hypothesis. Progress in Retin and Eye Res 70, Pages 55-84 (PMID: 30572124)
Sarah F Janssen, Theo GMF Gorgels, Wishal D Ramdas, Caroline CW Klaver, Cornelia M van Duijn, Nomdo M Jansonius, Arthur A Bergen (2013) The vast complexity of primary open angle glaucoma: disease genes, risks, molecular mechanisms and pathobiology. Prog Retin Eye Res 37:31-67 (PMID: 24055863)