The European Organ-on-Chip Society offers 10 travel grants to highly motivated students that are co-authors of accepted abstracts for the EUROoCS 2022 conference in Grenoble (France) on 4 and 5 July this year.
The travel award, in the value of 150 euros, will support young researchers to participate in the conference.
Application criteria are (i) to be graduate (BSc / first cycle completed, (ii) registered as a Master student and (iii) be a co-author of a submitted abstract.
Applicants should send the following documents to mentioning ‘Next generation EUROoCS travel award’ as subject:
- Proof of graduate and student status from the University
- One page CV
- Motivation statement with a maximum of 250 words.
- Abstract ID
Deadline: 15 May 2022
The applicants will be informed about the award by the 1st of June 2022.
The awards will be given in person, and the awardees will be honoured at the conference.