Young TPI launched

The Young Transition Animal-free Innovation (Young TPI) was officially launched last month and is now welcoming new members. Young TPI is a dynamic and engaging network composed of students, PhDs and young professionals focusing on the transition towards animal-free innovations (for example Organ-on-Chips and microphysiological systems). The network is connected and supported by the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture.

The mission of Young TPI is to contribute to the acceleration of the transition to innovations without laboratory animals by providing open-minded input and raising awareness of animal-free options among young professionals, PhDs and students.

Young people have the opportunity to work animal-free from the start of their careers, so Young TPI wants to inform and involve them about those opportunities early on. Young TPI emanates an open-minded perspective on the transition and are able to place gaps or blind spots on the transition agenda.

Young TPI does this by:

  • building a network based on a common goal, namely contributing to the acceleration of the transition;
  • raising awareness and sharing knowledge about existing innovations;
  • providing a space for sharing knowledge and experiences among people who are working with and/or are interested in working with animal-free innovations;
  • helping with career development, e.g. by building connections with potential employers and developing professional skills;
  • establishing a think tank to advise and communicate about animal-free innovations.

All the members will be able to join (career) events, company visits and other activities.
These are organized by Young TPI’s board members Victoria de Leeuw (chair), Fatima Zohra Abarkan (vice-chair), Rebecca van Eijden (vice-chair), Julia Menon (secretary), Marta García Valverde (treasurer), Nikolas Gaio (activities coordinator), Alessandra Soro (communications advisor)

For more information about Young TPI membership see the TPI website.



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