hDMT Consortium Meeting Registration and Abstract submission

All hDMT members are invited to attend the 6th annual hDMT Consortium Meeting, on Friday 25th of November 2022 at the Eenhoorn Meeting Center Amersfoort – STUDIO33 (opposite to the main entrance of Amersfoort CS). The hDMT consortium meeting is a closed meeting, exclusively for all researchers who are actively involved in hDMT research, from student to professor, with the aim of getting to know each other and to learn what is going on in hDMT – with a few keynote lectures, a lot of floor time for our junior researchers and ample time for networking.

For registration and abstract submission see the mailing you received on the 6th and 25th of October.
Deadline for registration and abstract submission is the 7th of November.

New this year is the PhD student ‘Spotlight’ Competition.
The ‘PhD student Spotlight’ competition is an opportunity for PhD students to demonstrate their research by a short movie made with a smartphone (max. 2 min). The submissions will be reviewed by the hDMT Executive Board and three prizes (1st €300,- 2nd €200, 3rd €100,-) are made available for the best movies.


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