hDMT welcomes VU Amsterdam as new partner

Per 1 November 2022 VU Amsterdam has joined hDMT as a new partner.
The representatives in the hDMT Consortium Assembly are Richard Jaspers and Astrid Bakker.

VU Amsterdam boasts 3 faculties, Faculty of Sciences (FS), Faculty of Behavioral and Movement Sciences (FGB) and the Academic Centre of Dentistry of Amsterdam (ACTA), in which Organ‐on‐Chip technology is developed and applied. These faculties host the following labs/departments with expert facilities and expertise: ACTA ‐ Department of Oral Cell Biology; Faculty of Behavioural and Movement Sciences; Faculty of Sciences ‐ Department of Molecular and Computational Toxicology; Faculty of Sciences ‐ Department of Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences; Faculty of Sciences ‐ Center for Neurogenomics and Cognitive Research (CNCR).

VU Amsterdam has several research groups working on a large range of in vitro cell and/or organ models for bone, brain, muscle, skin, tendon, kidney, liver and mucosa. In addition to the in vitro models, the VU research groups have a unique expertise in the physico‐chemical cues that are required for cellular growth and differentiation. Key disciplines are mechanobiology, cell metabolomics, microbiology, bioinformatics and systems biology. VU Amsterdam can contribute to hDMT by applying and sharing state‐of‐the‐art technology in these disciplines.

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