Join Helpathon #8 on animal-free alternatives for FCS and Matrigel 22th-24th of May!

The LymphChip program is just on its way. Sue Gibbs (skin biology), Valeria Orvola (vascular biology and cardiovascular differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells) and Margot Beukers (program management) are the leaders of this interdisciplinary consortium. They want to take the organoid field forward. The models for skin, intestine and heart diseases themselves are made of human cells and therefore animal-free, but the cells still depend on Matrigel and Foetal Calf Serum for optimal growth. They ask if you can:

  • Help Jasper Koning who is doing research on skin diseases? He believes it must be possible to find an alternative to Foetal Calf Serum to grow immune cells in lymph/skin models.
  • Help Germaine who is investigating alternative drug intake strategies based on fats travelling from the intestine into the lymphatic system? She wants to know what components are necessary in each phase of development of an intestine organoid.
  • Or more generally look for alternatives for Foetal Calf Serum and Matrigel.

They are looking for researchers who have practical experience using the alternatives and anyone else who can bring the field forward or help gear towards impact. The knowledge acquired at this Helpathon will be made available to the whole field to ensure broad implementation of these alternatives.

You can find more information or register on the Helpathon Hotel site.

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