EUROoCS news

Changes in the EUROoCS Board

During the EUROoCS members meeting at the MPS World Summit in Berlin two new board members have been appointed, based on the outcome of the elections: hDMT researchers Massimo Mastrangeli (TU Delft) and Liliana Moreira Teixeira (UTwente). Andries van der Meer (UTwente) took over the chairmanship and Marco Rasponi (Politecnico di Milano, Italy) is the new vice-chair.

Massimo Mastrangeli

Liliana Moreira Teixeira

Heleen Middelkamp

New EUROoCS Support Coordinator

Heleen Middelkamp (UTwente) will join the EUROoCS backoffice team as new Support Coordinator next month. She will closely work together with Ellen Thomassen. Heleen is a member of NOCI (Netherlands Organ-on-Chip Initiative) and will finish her PhD on ‘3D Blood Vessels-on-Chip for Vascular Disease Modelling’ in September this year.

Save the date: EUROoCS 2024, Milano, 3-5 July 2024

EUROoCS 2024 will be hosted in the original historical Leonardo Campus, of Politecnico di Milano, in the splendid City of Milano, from 3-5 July 2024. Hosts of the annual EUROoCS conference are Marco Rasponi and Paola Occhetta.

Marco Rasponi (chair)

Paola Occhetta (chair)

EUROoCS Working groups

EUROoCS has several Working Groups (WGs) consisting of enthusiastic members who actively contribute to the vision and mission of EUROoCS.

The following WGs have been set up:

  • Digital Meetings
  • Dissemination & Outreach
  • Diversity & Inclusion
  • Technology and Science Implementation
  • Teaching & Training
  • Fundraising

If you are interested to join and/or would like more information on these WGs, please contact the chair of the corresponding WG via the email address provided in the respective descriptions on the EUROoCS website.

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