Successful conclusion of Moore4Medical project

The power of Open Technology Platforms for Organ-on-Chip applications

After the successful final review in Maastricht (NL) at the end of September 2023, the 3-year KDT-JU project Moore4Medical has reached its very successful conclusion. Under the expert leadership of Sieger Swaving, Ronald Dekker and Erik van den Zeijden (Philips), the 68 consortium partners of Moore4Medical have convincingly shown how open technology platforms can be beneficially deployed to advance multiple biomedical domains, such as implantable devices, ultrasound monitoring, drug attrition, surgical devices, and not least Organ-on-Chip.

With the contribution of 24 European partners *(see below) the second work package of Moore4Medical led by Massimo Mastrangeli (TU Delft) specifically developed three open technology platforms for Organs-on-Chip: the Smart Multi-Well Plate (SMWP), the High-Definition electro-Physiology Plate (HD e-Phys) and the Smart (multi-well plate) Lid. The platforms were developed from design and architecture through implementation, fabrication and assembly, to biological validation in relevant settings. They embody recommendations from the European Organ-on-Chip roadmap for ease of use, standardization and industrially scalable manufacturing. The SMWP in particular captures the power of Organ-on-Chip devices under the familiar aspect of a multi-well plate (see illustration). It combines end user-defined configurability of Organ-on-Chip devices with fluidic autonomy afforded by onboard piezoelectric micropumps and compatibility with established laboratory workflows.

Moore4Medical has also prepared the ground for follow-up projects that can capitalize on its many achievements and insight, such as the NEXTGEN HIGHTECH program (domain Biomedical Production Technologies) in the Netherlands and the KDT-JU UNLOOC project (granted). For more information about the Moore4Medical project watch the M4M video:

* 24 European partners – TU Delft (NL), Micronit (NL), Multi Channel System (DE), Philips (NL), Fraunhofer EMFT (DE), imec (BE), CSEM (CH), InSphero (CH), Besi Netherlands (NL), Besi Austria (AT), EVG (AT), TU Eindhoven (NL), INESC-MN (PT), ITAV (PT), IMT (RM), Menarini Silicon Biosystems (IT), IISA (ES), BEOnChip (ES), BI/OND (NL), Microfluidic ChipShop (DE), TNO Holst Centre (NL), CER (HU), AEDUS (HU), Universita’ de Zaragoza (ES).

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