Purpose: Researchers can apply individually or in collaboration for non- programmed, curiosity-driven research. This funding instrument is open for proposals with a research question in or overlapping the fields of earth sciences, astronomy, chemistry, computer science, life sciences, physics and mathematics.
Category: The Open Competition Domain Science – M consists of three categories:
- ENW-M-1 grant: max 350K, single main applicant, no co-applicant. For single temporary scientific position in combination with material budget, a small investment (equipment) and/or non-scientific support
- ENW-M-2 grant: max 700K, single main applicant and co-applicant, who work together to realise the proposed research, complementary expertise. For two temporary scientific positions in combination with material budget, small investments (equipment) and/or non-scientific support
- An ENW-M-invest grant: min 150K and max 500K for the funding of an investment.
The host institution must contribute at least 25% of the costs for the investment.
Deadline: July 31, 2024
More information: https://www.nwo.nl/en/calls/open-competition-domain-science-m-0