ProRISC & SAFE Conference

Semiconductor Advances for Future Electronics and Sensors (SAFE) is an annual conference focusing on Microsystems Technology and Materials, covering fields from RF-devices to Organ-on-a-Chip. Organized by PhD students from the three Dutch technical universities and running for over 20 years, it’s a prime networking opportunity.

This conference targets specifically the early stage researchers (1st year PhD students in particular) aiming to incorporate some electrical/electronic integration with their devices, including intelligence for automation and sensing and actuating.  

We specially invite our colleagues at Wageningen University & Research (WUR) and our international network to submit abstracts and share their results. Geared toward students and young researchers (postdocs), it offers a platform to share research, discuss ideas, and connect with experienced researchers and PIs, providing opportunities for collaborations and job prospects.

In recent years, we have collaborated with our peers in electrical and electronics engineering to jointly organize ProRISC/SAFE. We are delighted to continue this collaboration once again this year! Each year, one of the technical universities represented in the steering committee takes responsibility for organizing the conference. In 2022, SAFE was hosted at the University of Twente. In 2023, it was held at TU Delft, and this year, we are excited to announce that SAFE will take place on the campus of Eindhoven University of Technology on June 27th and 28th
Students and young researchers may present previously published or unpublished work in an invitation-only setting (to protect the information for later publication or in case of potential IP claims, neither ProRISC nor SAFE will make any abstracts, posters or presentations publicly available). All PhD students, particularly, are encouraged to submit recent work, even if not yet ready for full manuscript submission. New PhD students can present conceptual work and hypotheses through abstracts. Selected abstracts will be chosen for oral presentations, while others can participate in poster sessions. Submission guidelines and event details are available at

We are still in progress of the preparation of the final program, please visit the website regularly for any changes and news!

Participants are kindly asked to submit their abstracts by May 13th at Please include “SAFE Abstract” in the subject line.
Looking for great Looking for great networking opportunities? Meet us at ProRISC & SAFE 2024 at Eindhoven University of Technology

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