SNF research collaboration grant for the University of Twente and Freiburg University (Switzerland)

Researchers Séverine Le Gac, Julieta Paez (both UTwente) and Albert Ruggi (Université de Fribourg) have received an SNF grant (from the Swiss National Fund) entitled ‘Multi-parametric sensing synthetic hydrogels. Application to organ-on-chip modeling’.

The realization of tumour models based on 3D cell can play a significant role in cancer research. Such 3D models provide a realistic replication of in vivo properties of tumoral tissues, still keeping the ease of handling of traditional 2D models and the absence of ethical issues, typical of animal models. Organ-on-chip platform is a promising format to support the 3D culture of cell-laden hydrogels, in a dynamic manner, while providing excellent control on physical and chemical.  While animal-derived hydrogel matrices are popular choices for 3D models, they have strong technical limitations in addition to being ethically unsustainable. 3D cell cultures also require accurate monitoring of biorelevant parameters, particularly in malignant tumours models, where acidic and hypoxic microenvironments are associated with multidrug resistance. In this project, we will realize an innovative multi-parametric sensing, animal-free hydrogel capable of optically monitoring pH and O2 concentration using advanced molecular sensors, and next implement it in a tumour-on-chip model.

 Julieta Paez

Séverine Le Gac

Albert Ruggi

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