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Taking forward breakthrough deep tech projects with a high degree of scientific and technological ambition and risk and potential to create a new market (TRL 1-4)
Read moreResearchers who want to apply knowledge from their research and bring it to the market can apply for funding from NWO to further develop this knowledge into a demonstrator. In a Demonstrator project, all preparatory activities are carried out that are necessary to transfer the underlying demonstrator knowledge to a third party.
Read moreResearchers working at a Dutch knowledge institution can apply for funding to replicate “cornerstone research” in all disciplines from NWO and ZonMw.
Read moreOn January 22th, Renée Moerkens successfully defended her PhD thesis titled “Re-creating the human intestine at microscale” at the University of Groningen, earning a cum laude distinction
Read moreHer research describes the tissue engineering of a human cardiac 3D model that is physiologically relevant and qualified to measure contractile force.
Read moreNWO invites researchers and partners to organise consortia that will set out to do innovative research and develop solutions for societal issues, while realising economic potential, to submit an application for a long-term programme.
Read moreResearchers with a promising idea or an innovative and high-risk initiative can submit new applications in 2025 within the new call of the Open Competition Science – XS, round 2025.
Read moreThe Open Technology Programme provides funding for free and unrestricted applied and technical-scientific research without disciplinary boundaries. The programme offers companies and other organizations an accessible way to participate in scientific research that is intended to have societal and/or scientific impact.
Read moreEnterprising scientists who want to investigate whether it is feasible to commercially apply an innovative research result can apply for funding via Take-off phase 1 - Feasibility studies WO. This program is aimed at stimulating and supporting economic activity and entrepreneurship on the basis of science.
Read moreInternational research experience is often essential for building up one’s scientific career. Rubicon offers talented researchers who have completed their doctorates in the past year the chance to gain experience at a research institution outside the Kingdom of the Netherlands,
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Scientist in the spotlight
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