Author Archives: hDMT

New hDMT theme group: Bone-on-Chip

On December 7 this year the kick-off meeting will take place of a brand new hDMT theme group: Bone-on-Chip. Coordinators are Nathalie Bravenboer (Amsterdam UMC) and Liliana Moreira-Texeira Leijten (UTwente). The purpose of the theme group on Bone-on-Chip is to promote interaction, share knowledge, and provide opportunities for collaboration. Bundling of facilities and disciplines will help to develop human bone organoids for both trabecular and cortical bone including osteoblasts, osteocytes and osteoclasts but also preferably vessel formation, mimicking healthy as well as diseased (genetic or (chronically) inflamed) bone and bone marrow compartments. Such Bone-on-Chip models can be used as human...

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FDA Modernization Act 2.0 passes U.S. Senate

On Thursday, September 29, 2022 Senate Bill 5002, ‘FDA Modernization Act 2.0’ was both introduced in the Senate and passed by unanimous consent. The Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetics Act (FFDCA) of 1938 mandated that all new drugs be tested in animals to protect patients from unknown toxicity. New technologies have now come to the point that they can often better protect society against unforeseen toxic effects of new medicines than animal testing. Animal models have been essential in the development of all kinds of medicines. But now it is known that a large proportion of the drugs that are...

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Thesis Renata Baptista Vieira de Sá (University Utrecht): Repeat expansions in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis; Lessons from patient-derived models

On October 20th 2022 Renata Baptista Vieira de Sá successfully defended her thesis ‘Repeat expansions in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis; Lessons from patient-derived models’ at University Utrecht. Her research was performed under the supervision of Prof Pasterkamp and Prof van den Berg. Early descriptions of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) date back to 1824 but the term was only coined in 1874 by the French neurologist Jean-Martin Charcot. ALS is a neurodegenerative motor neuron disease (MND) with similar incidence and prevalence across the globe. In Europe the estimated incidence is 1,75 to 3 people per 100 000 and the prevalence 10-12 per...

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Milica Dostanic continues Heart-on-Chip research as postdoc in Leiden

Recruited from TU Delft as joint postdoc with Leiden on the Netherlands Organ-on-Chip Initiative (NOCI) program Milica Dostanic continues her research on miniaturised Engineered Heart Tissues (EHTs). In the group of Christine Mummery (LUMC) she will focus on optimizing cell ratios for the heart (cardiomyocytes, fibroblasts), optimizing pillar flexibility and developing technologies and methods to study cardiac fibrosis.

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Ruben van Helden business developer Organ-on-Chip for reNEW at LUMC

Ruben van Helden has been appointed as business developer Organ-on-Chip for the Novo Nordisk project reNEW at the Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC). This includes facilitating access to Organ-on-Chip technology, specifically the biological aspects/cells; developing courses; making contacts with companies; organizing demo’s and hosting biotech/tech demo’s.

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Lisa-Lee Brüske joins Body Barriers project

In September 2022 Lisa-Lee Brüske joined the group of Prof. Sue Gibbs and Prof. Elga de Vries as a PhD student in the Oral Cell Biology department at ACTA and the Molecular Cell Biology and Immunology department at Amsterdam UMC. Lisa-Lee is a dentist with a Master in Regenerative Dentistry from King’s College London where she worked with iPSC-derived pancreas organoids to study the role of DLK1 during β-cell differentiation. During her PhD she will be working on the Body Barriers project focusing on the development of an oral mucosa-blood-brain organ-on-chip platform for the safety testing of medical devices.

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Suzanne Timmermans starts research at TU Eindhoven on a Brain-on-Chip model for Parkinson’s disease.

Suzanne Timmermans joined the Neuro Nanoscale Engineering group of Regina Luttge at Eindhoven University of Technology as a Postdoc as of July 1st 2022. She received her M.Sc. in Molecular Life Sciences from Radboud University in 2016 and obtained a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering and Chemistry from Eindhoven University of Technology in 2022. Her Postdoc research will focus on developing and validating a Brain-on-Chip model that allows for single-cell read-outs. This project is part of the CONNECT project, which aims to develop an innovative technology based on neuronal networks-on-chip that enables the modeling of the connectivity between the central nervous...

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Francisco Conceição joins UTwente for osteoporosis modelling by Bone-on-Chip

Dr. Francisco Conceição joined the Advanced Organ bioengineering and Therapeutics department, at the University of Twente, as a post-doctoral fellow, as of 15 August 2022. Francisco obtained an integrated MSc degree in Bioengineering from the University of Porto (Portugal).

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George Flamourakis new postdoc in TU Delft

George Flamourakis recently acquired his PhD in Multiphoton Polymerization and Tissue Engineering at Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser and University of Crete, Greece. There, he specialized in the fabrication of complex 3D mechanical metamaterial micro- structures that were later used as scaffolds for tissue engineering applications. As of October 2022 he joined the research group of Angelo Accardo as a postdoc and he is involved in the fabrication and super-resolution imaging of polymeric structures for the development of neuronal growth cones. This work is funded by both a 3mE Cohesion grant and a NWO-XS grant in collaboration with Daan...

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Honorary Doctorate for Sabeth Verpoorte from Tampere University

Sabeth Verpoorte from UMCG: It was as wonderful as it was humbling to receive a Doctor Honoris Causa from Tampere University, “in recognition of work on lab-on-a-chip and organ-on-a-chip research as well as of long-standing interdisciplinary collaboration.” It was also an incredible honour to speak on behalf of all of the 14 honorary doctors! New hat, new friends, new experience! Unforgettable! Tampere University’s honorary doctorate laureate programme recognises world-class research and education focusing on technology, health and society. In the framework of this programme, Sabeth Verpoorte has been awarded an honorary doctorate for her work on lab-on-a-chip and organ-on-a-chip research as well...

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