Author Archives: hDMT

450 M euro from the ‘Nationaal Groeifondsfonds’ for NXTGEN HIGHTECH

hDMT is proud to be part of the NXTGEN HIGHTECH Consortium, that receives a contribution of 450 M euro from the ‘Nationaal Groeifonds’. This is an important step for the development of high tech equipment for the production and upscaling of Lab-on-Chip, Organ-on-Chip, Artificial organs, and Cell-based products. Het NXTGEN HIGHTECH programma krijgt een bijdrage van 450 miljoen euro uit het Nationaal Groeifonds om zo de structurele en duurzame economische groei in Nederland te stimuleren. Het besluit van de adviescommissie onder voorzitterschap van Jeroen Dijsselbloem is vandaag door de ministerraad overgenomen. In NXTGEN HIGHTECH wordt vanuit zes domeinen hightech oplossingen geboden...

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KNG lecture on Organ-on-Chip by Sebo Withoff

On 15 March 2022, Sebo Withoff from the University Medical Center Groningen gave a presentation about organoids and Organ-on-Chips in the context of a series of lectures, organized by the Royal Physics Society (KNG). Aim of the KNG is to promote broad interest in the natural sciences. Title lecture: The use of organoids and Organ-on-Chips for the study of disease processes Summary by Sebo Withoff Perhaps the most important findings of research into the human genome (the complete genetic DNA composition of an individual) are that everyone’s genome is unique and that the DNA differences are expressed in a tissue-...

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TU Delft and LUMC researchers develop a programmable micro platform to understand cancer progression and metastasis

Metastasis of tumors is regarded as the largest contributor to cancer-related deaths, but physiologically relevant tumor models for cancer cell metastasis research are still lacking. Two-dimensional (2D) monolayer cell culture (on a flat surface) is traditionally used as in vitro model to investigate tumor behavior, migration, and invasion. Unfortunately, this (2D) monolayer culture does not replicate the complexity of tumor and extracellular microenvironment where invasive cancer cells reside in tumor tissues. Therefore, 3D multicellular systems formed by cancer cells are gaining importance in the field of cancer cell invasion research. To establish physiologically relevant tumor models, cancer cell spheroids of...

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ERC Consolidator Grant ‘Phoenix’ for Maria Tenje from Sweden and collaborators from LUMC

Maria Tenje, professor at Uppsala University, Sweden receives funding for her project PHOENIX, an ERC Consolidator Grant in physical sciences and engineering. Focus is on developing novel microfluidic tools for high-throughput and fully controlled organoid generation. Organoids are self-assembled 3D cell models that can be used as alternatives to animal testing for drug development and basic biomedical research. In PHOENIX, Maria Tenje will further expand the droplet microfluidics toolbox that her lab has pioneered during the last ten years, to gain control of the cellular architecture of the organoids by using integrated acoustics. For the project, she will collaborate with...

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Join the joint hDMT-UMD symposium on metabolism and Organ-on-Chip

Registration and abstract submission is open. On April 13, 2022 hDMT and UMD (United for Metabolic Diseases) organize a joint symposium about the integration of metabolism & Organ-on-Chip models: Investigating metabolism in Organ-on-Chip models When: Wednesday April 13, 2022 Location: Radboudumc, Nijmegen Time: 10 am – 3 pm Participation is for free, but registration is required. Please register for the meeting by sending an email to at the latest on April 6, 2022. Details on the location will follow upon registration. Stem cell models offer a promising perspective to study the tissue-specific pathophysiology of Inborn Metabolic Disorders and novel treatments....

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Summer schools

Learn from expert course leaders during interactive live sessions and engage in stimulating discussions with students and professionals from across the world who share your interests. Join the summer school community and expand your professional network! Radboud Summer School on Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells. During the five-day course, you will gain a deep understanding of culture and pluripotency maintenance of induced pluripotent stem cells. You will learn how to culture, passage, select, freeze and thaw iPSCs, how to get rid of differentiating cell contamination in your iPSC culture and how to choose the correct passaging technique. You will have your...

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Your paper in Stem Cell Reports? Don’t miss this opportunity!

A paper with stem cells in an OoC model (almost) ready to go? Consider sending it to Stem Cell Reports.  In the Netherlands is publishing Open Access in Cell Press journals without cost to the authors. The Impact Factor of Stem Cell Reports is now 7.77 (2021) and the paper will be reviewed/handled by OoC experts. 10 members of EUROoCS have been appointed to the editorial board of Stem Cell Reports to handle your papers! For more details see the journal website and Guidelines for Authors   Among recent Stem Cell Reports OoC publications: Engineered 3D vessel-on-chip using hiPSC-derived endothelial- and...

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Marian Joëls new member supervisory board

Marian Joëls has joined the hDMT Supervisory Board from February 1st 2022. She is Dean and Board member of the University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG).   Marian Joëls is a neuroscientist who investigates the effect of stress on the brain, in health and disease. In recent years her work particularly focused on the life-long consequences of early life adversity. In 1997 she was appointed as full professor at the University of Amsterdam. In 2009 she became scientific director of Brain Center Rudolf Magnus at the University Medical Center Utrecht. Since September 2016, she is professor of Neurobiology of Environmental Factors,...

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EUROoCS 2022 annual conference in Grenoble

After two online conferences in 2020 and 2021, this year the EUROoCS annual conference will take place as a face-to-face meeting in Grenoble (France) on 4-5 July 2022. The chairs Xavier Gidrol and Fabrice Navarro, together with the Scientific Program Committee and the local organizing committee, can’t wait to welcome you in the sunny Grenoble in summer. This conference will be a nice opportunity to meet your friends in person again, listen to exciting talks, chat with the poster presenters, and win one of the prestigious awards. Abstract submission will open soon. For all information about the conference please visit...

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New, newer, newest

A new year is a new start. This first newsletter in 2022 is full of new people, initiatives, projects, publications, a new website and events on Organ-on-Chip within hDMT. We are glad that Jaap den Toonder from Eindhoven University of Technology will join us in the hDMT Executive Board. And we welcome Marian Joëls, Dean and member of the UMCG Management Board, as new member of the hDMT Supervisory Board. Three PhD students recently received their PhD degree after public defence of their thesis. Bas Lendemeijer from Erasmus MC has used human induced pluripotent stem cells for modeling brain diseases...

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