Author Archives: hDMT

Apply now to the ground-based announcement of opportunity making use of tissue-on-chip and organoid models to study the impact of space stressors on human physiology

The European Space Agency’s Exploration Science Programme, a cornerstone of its Explore2040 strategy, invites scientists, researchers, and innovators to join us in pushing the boundaries of human knowledge and technological capabilities.

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IHI call 9

Topic 1 (SO1): contribute towards a better understanding of the determinants of health and priority disease areas. IHI call 9 will be a single-stage, applicant-driven call with five topics aligned with the five specific objectives set out in the IHI Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA). For this call, we want applicants to explore the SRIA and identify untapped opportunities that could be transformed into public-private projects through IHI. Budget: 5.000.000 – 10.000.000 euros per project More info here.  

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Kolff+ programma 2025 Ronde Twee

The aim of the Kolff+ Program is an innovative renal field with a strong knowledge base that leads to optimal impact for the patient. The Program promotes talent, creativity and following up on successful research within a strategic framework that is directed at impact for the patient. Budget: Student Researcher Grant / Student Onderzoeker Beurs € 1.000 – 7.500, Creativity Grant / Creativiteit Beurs € 55.000 – 125.000, Junior Talent Grant / Junior Talent Beurs € 170.000 – 280.000, Senior Talent Grant / Senior Talent Beurs € 255.000 – 450.000, Success Accelerator Grant / Succes Aanjager Beurs € 265.000 –...

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HELPATHON # 11 – Gene Therapy: Unlock New Frontiers in Human Health!

Can you help Francesca and Terry at the Animal Free Innovation TPI-Helpathon on Gene Therapy? We invite you to join our cutting edge Helpathon on gene therapy on October 9th and 10th. This field opens up a whole new range of really exciting innovative human health diagnosis and therapy possibilities! We are calling for both specialists (clinicians, biomedical researchers, policy makers, innovation managers, DEC members, funders) and general members of the public to explore in a safe place the possibilities of animal free innovation in this up and coming health research area. We invite you to address hands on questions...

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ERC Consolidator Grant (Horizon Europe)

Support for excellent Principal Investigators at the career stage at which they may still be consolidating their own independent research team or programme. Deadline: January 14th 2025 (Opens 26 September 2024) More info here.

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MSCA Staff Exchanges 2024 (HORIZON-MSCA-2024-SE-01)

MSCA Staff Exchanges (2023/24) MSCA Staff Exchanges promote innovative international, inter-sectoral and interdisciplinary collaboration in research and innovation through exchanging staff and sharing knowledge and ideas at all stages of the innovation chain. The scheme fosters a shared culture of research and innovation that welcomes and rewards creativity and entrepreneurship and helps turn ideas into innovative products, services or processes. It is open to research, technical, administrative and managerial staff supporting R&I activities. Expected impact Proposals under this Action should contribute to the following expected impacts: Increase international, inter-sectoral and interdisciplinary mobility of research staff within Europe and beyond through...

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VIDI Ronde 2024 (NWO)

Onderzoekers die onderzoek op postdoc-niveau hebben verricht en hun eigen vernieuwende ideeën succesvol tot ontwikkeling hebben gebracht zijn van harte welkom om een aanvraag in te dienen voor een Vidi-beurs. Zij mogen een eigen vernieuwende onderzoekslijn ontwikkelen en daartoe zelf één of meer onderzoekers aanstellen. De subsidie bedraagt maximaal 850.000 euro. Vidi in het kort Vidi is een financieringsinstrument uit het NWO-Talentprogramma. De Vidi-doelgroep bestaat uit onderzoekers die zich in de transitie naar leiderschap bevinden. Ook hebben zij academische kwaliteiten die duidelijk uitstijgen boven wat gebruikelijk is en geven blijk van ontwikkeling van leiderschaps- en mentorkwaliteiten. De Vidi-subsidie financiert wetenschappelijk...

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Open Competition Domain Science–M Round 2024/2025 (NWO)

In the NWO Open Competition Domain Science – M, researchers can apply individually or in collaboration for non-programmed, curiosity-driven basic research. This funding instrument is open for proposals with a research question in or overlapping the fields of earth sciences, astronomy, chemistry, computer science, life sciences, physics and mathematics. Purpose ENW-M grants are intended for curiosity-driven scientific research with impact. The ENW-M grants offer researchers the opportunity and freedom to start, and/or strengthen excellent, challenging and innovative lines of research, both mono disciplinary, multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary. For this call for proposals, your application must fit in the NWO Domain Science....

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Open Competition Domain Science–M Round 2024/2025 (NWO)

In the NWO Open Competition Domain Science – M, researchers can apply individually or in collaboration for non-programmed, curiosity-driven basic research. This funding instrument is open for proposals with a research question in or overlapping the fields of earth sciences, astronomy, chemistry, computer science, life sciences, physics and mathematics. Purpose ENW-M grants are intended for curiosity-driven scientific research with impact. The ENW-M grants offer researchers the opportunity and freedom to start, and/or strengthen excellent, challenging and innovative lines of research, both mono disciplinary, multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary. For this call for proposals, your application must fit in the NWO Domain Science....

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Perspectief Ronde 2024/2025 (NWO)

NWO Domain AES invites researchers and users (companies, societal organisations) to jointly submit new, challenging research projects within the application-oriented and technical sciences that generate economic and social impact in thematic areas relevant to the Netherlands. Purpose Innovation that has an economic and social impact often requires a large-scale approach. Developing new technology requires setting up new lines of research, transcending old networks and creating close collaboration between scientists and industry. The financing instrument Perspectief focuses on stimulating this collaboration in order to solve innovation bottlenecks. Innovative knowledge takes shape in an application that contributes to technological innovation with potential...

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