Author Archives: hDMT

Open Competition Domain Science–M Round 2024/2025 (NWO)

In the NWO Open Competition Domain Science – M, researchers can apply individually or in collaboration for non-programmed, curiosity-driven basic research. This funding instrument is open for proposals with a research question in or overlapping the fields of earth sciences, astronomy, chemistry, computer science, life sciences, physics and mathematics. Purpose ENW-M grants are intended for curiosity-driven scientific research with impact. The ENW-M grants offer researchers the opportunity and freedom to start, and/or strengthen excellent, challenging and innovative lines of research, both mono disciplinary, multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary. For this call for proposals, your application must fit in the NWO Domain Science....

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Perspectief Ronde 2024/2025 (NWO)

NWO Domain AES invites researchers and users (companies, societal organisations) to jointly submit new, challenging research projects within the application-oriented and technical sciences that generate economic and social impact in thematic areas relevant to the Netherlands. Purpose Innovation that has an economic and social impact often requires a large-scale approach. Developing new technology requires setting up new lines of research, transcending old networks and creating close collaboration between scientists and industry. The financing instrument Perspectief focuses on stimulating this collaboration in order to solve innovation bottlenecks. Innovative knowledge takes shape in an application that contributes to technological innovation with potential...

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Time for standards

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Teaching and education at Utrecht University

Bachelor students (College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Utrecht University) completed the In vitro models (of disease) for pharmacology (period 3, 10 weeks, 7.5 ECTS), covering both theory and practice (chip design with Fusion360, FDM printing, PDMS casting and chip assembly).

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Thesis Elena Sendino Garví: CRISPRing the way to Advanced in Vitro Modelling for Genetic Kidney Disease

On June 12th 2024 Elena Sendino Garví successfully defended her thesis entitled “CRISPRing the way to Advanced in Vitro Modelling for Genetic Kidney Disease” at Utrecht University. The project was co-funded by Health~Holland, Top Sector Life Sciences & Health and supervised by Dr. Manoe Janssen and Prof. Dr. Roos Masereeuw.

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Looking back on a great NOCI Troppo Breve meeting

Nestled in the Frisian countryside, the fifth edition of the Troppo Breve took place from the 4th to the 7th of July 2024.

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Hanna Lammertse joins hDMT as Manager Infrastructure.

Hanna obtained her PhD in Neurobiology from the VU in 2022, in which she studied the pathological mechanisms underlying neurodevelopmental disorders using hiPSC-based disease models and investigated optimal study design & statistical power for hiPSC-based disease modelling.

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Juliët van Iersel new PhD on role microglia in Multiple Sclerosis at Amsterdam UMC

Juliët van Iersel has started as a new PhD candidate in the group of Anne-Marie van Dam, in collaboration with Vivi Heine, at the department of Anatomy and Neurosciences, Amsterdam UMC.

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Organ-on-a-chip for Correlative Microscopy

In a collaboration between the group of Nico Sommerdijk and Anat Akiva (Radboudumc) and the group of Pascal Jonkheijm (UTwente) an Organ-on-Chip platform was developed,

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Raising the bar – Microphysiological systems to the next level

MPSs can emulate the physiology and structure of organs and tissues of the human body. They offer possibilities to measure physiological features of tissues and organs and test how these are affected by disease or new drugs.

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