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Top Sector LSH match call

Topic: Developing sustainable and innovative products and services within the LSH sector by joint investment of for-profit enterprises and research organizations in research and development (R&D). PPP allowance Criteria: Fit within the Knowledge and Innovation Agenda 2024-2027 of the Top Sector High quality At least 1 for-profit enterprise and 1 research organization. Fundamental, industrial research or experimental development Main applicant in the Netherlands Duration of a maximum of 4 years. Deadline: 12 March 2024 Criteria for PPP allowance Topsector LSH  More information:

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Open Competition Domain Science M – NWO

Purpose:  Researchers can apply individually or in collaboration for non- programmed, curiosity-driven research. This funding instrument is open for proposals with a research question in or overlapping the fields of earth sciences, astronomy, chemistry, computer science, life sciences, physics and mathematics. Category:  The Open Competition Domain Science – M consists of three categories: ENW-M-1 grant: max 350K, single main applicant, no co-applicant. For single temporary scientific position in combination with material budget, a small investment (equipment) and/or non-scientific support ENW-M-2 grant: max 700K, single main applicant and co-applicant, who work together to realise the proposed research, complementary expertise. For two...

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Open Technology Programme – NWO

Purpose: The Open Technology Programme focuses on technical-scientific research and is characterised by the absence of disciplinary boundaries. The Open Technology Programme aims to realise knowledge transfer between technical sciences and users, which is in line with the mission of the NWO domain Applied and Engineering Sciences. Research applications are tested on both scientific quality and the utilisation perspective. Both criteria are given equal weight in the decision-making process. Criteria: 1 applicant (+ co-applicants) Total budget: 25.9 M€ Project costs: 900K max (max 6yr) Co-financing: 25% of the excess above 650K Deadline: Throughout the year, (until 13 December 2024) More information...

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Research Infrastructure (RI): national consortia – NWO

Purpose: Strengthen the RI available to the research community in the Netherlands. The instrument focuses on designing innovative RI that is of (inter)national importance, which can be used to achieve innovations and breakthroughs with a high value for science, society, and business. Proposals may be submitted by national consortia from all academic disciplines. Criteria: A minimum NWO contribution of € 1,500,000; – a maximum NWO contribution of € 10,000,000; – new RI and/or upgrades to existing RI. The maximum grant period within which the NWO grant must be spent in full is five years. After that, financial and substantive accountability...

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Procedure Proefdiervrij Venture Challenge

From January 2024 until April 2024 Proefdiervrij will organise the fourth edition of the Proefdiervrij Venture Challenge. You’ll find all the information pertaining to the Proefdiervrij Venture Challenge 2024 on their website. During the Venture Challenge, researchers are guided in setting up a venture plan, in which a scientific breakthrough within the life sciences is converted into a solid business case. In doing so, they learn various skills needed to start or further develop a business. In this way, we want to increase and accelerate the impact of non-animal research on the use of laboratory animals. Are you interested? You’ll...

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Horizon Europe: Health: Innovative Health Initiative HORIZON-JU-IHI-2023-05-01

Accelerating the implementation of New Approach Methodologies and other innovative non-animal approaches for the development, testing and production of health technologies Scope: Animals and animal-derived materials are widely used in biomedical research and in the production and development of health technologies. This raises serious ethical concerns, and there is growing societal pressure to move towards alternative approaches and methods. Besides major ethical concerns, there is also scientific evidence that supports moving away from animal-based approaches and finding more human‑relevant methods and strategies for both the assessment of safety and efficacy of new health technologies and for manufacturing. Animal testing requires...

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SensOoChip CRACK IT Challenge

NC3Rs has recently announced the 2023 CRACK IT Challenges which includes a mega-Challenge focused on organ chip technology development with £2.6M of funding available to European researchers. This Challenge aims to improve the utility and reproducibility of connected organ-on-a-chip (OoC) devices by integrating real-time multiparametric monitoring. For more information on how to apply, register for the SensOoChip launch webinar on Tuesday 5 September 2023, 14:00 – 15:15 (BST).  Further guidance will be made available following the launch webinar.   To find out more about the Challenge aims and deliverables read the Challenge brief.   Source:

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Horizon Europe: Destination 5. Unlocking the full potential of new tools, technologies & digital solutions for a healthy society (Upcoming) HORIZON-HLTH-2024-TOOL-11-02

Bio-printing of living cells for regenerative medicine 3D bio-printing is confronted with several challenges that currently hamper its large-scale deployment. Proposals should address most of the following activities: Design the best bio-printing strategy for at least one type of tissue thanks to a better understanding of the interconnections of the different cell types inside the chosen tissue or organ Develop or improve existing equipment able to print bio-constructs with higher resolution in a shorter time using various biomaterials and different cell types Cover all steps of the bio-printing suite, including cell collection, cell differentiation and expansion, imaging, modelling, bio-ink formulation,...

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Horizon Europe: Destination 6. Maintaining an innovative, sustainable and globally competitive health industry (Upcoming) HORIZON-HLTH-2024-IND-06-08

Developing EU methodological frameworks for clinical/performance evaluation and post-market clinical/performance follow-up of medical devices and in vitro diagnostic medical devices (IVDs) Research is needed to help regulators develop common methodological frameworks (including common specifications) on the clinical evidence needed to demonstrate safety, performance and clinical benefit all along the life cycle of devices taking into account the type of device and clinical intended purpose. Such methodological frameworks and standardized approaches are particularly needed for high-risk medical devices, e.g. implantable and class III medical devices, class C and D IVDs, medical device software (including AI enabled devices and next generation sequencing)...

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Horizon Europe: Destination 6. Maintaining an innovative, sustainable and globally competitive health industry (Upcoming). HORIZON-HLTH-2024-IND-06-09

Gaining experience and confidence in New Approach Methodologies (NAM) for regulatory safety and efficacy testing – coordinated training and experience exchange for EU regulators Focus on alternatives to the use of animals for regulatory safety and efficacy testing. Applicants should propose activities that bring together NAM developers and NAM users with European regulators responsible for the safe use of chemicals (e.g. industrial chemicals, pesticides, biocides and cosmetics) and pharmaceuticals in order to inform on NAM solutions available and to encourage the building of a framework on how these NAMs could be most effectively used in the different decision-making contexts. European...

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