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Joining the groups of Martin Hoogduijn and Luc van der Laan. During her PhD, Lito will focus on the development of a multi-organ-on-a-chip (MOC) system to study transplantation related insults.
Read moreAt TU Delft, as part of the NOCI consortium, her project aims to exploit biodegradable technologies for perfused brain organoids in an Organ-on-Chip platform,
Read moreOn the 3rd of April 2023, OrganoVIR Labs welcomed a new colleague
Read moreFrom June 26-30 the MPS World Summit, organized by CAAT (US and Europe) and EUROoCS, was held in Berlin. The MPS field is exploding, with an exponential increase in the participants compared to the MPS World Summit 2022 in New Orleans and the EUROoCS conference in Grenoble last year. It was a week full of excellent science with many new insights and approaches, inspiring keynotes, great variety of symposia and posters, interesting round tables, a huge number of exhibitors and sponsors, and energizing social events. Europe can be proud of its many scientists, and growing number of EUROoCS members, who...
Read moreDuring last May, Theano Tsikari and Lito Papamichail traveled to Ispra in Italy to attend the 4th edition of JRC Summer School on Non-animal Approaches in Science: Towards Sustainable Innovation.
Read moreThe National Growth Fund reserves EUR 125 million for a new Center for Animal-Free Biomedical Translation to accelerate the transition to animal-free research over the next ten years. This could lead to safer, more effective and better treatments with less animal suffering. Two hDMT partners, Utrecht University and UMC Utrecht, are among the initiators. The Center for Animal-Free Biomedical Translation (CPBT) is planning to accelerate the transition to animal-free biomedical innovations. This should offer economic and social benefits: improved medicines and fewer animal tests. Poor predictor and expensive development Often, the results obtained from animal experiments can only be translated...
Read moreInés García-Rodríguez, Pamela Capendale and Nanci Ferreira were awarded the Best Poster Award for their posters
Read moreThibault Sampon, master student Biofabrication (Utrecht University), gave a plenary talk at the student conference ISCOMS in Groningen and was awarded the first prize for Best Plenary Presentation.
Read moreRobert Passier from UTwente received a prestigious European Research Council (ERC) Advanced grant of 2.5 million Euro for his research on Advanced human models of the heart to understand cardiovascular disease (Heart2Beat). Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death worldwide. Current traditional experimental in vitro and animal models for studying it are not effective enough to develop new treatments. That’s why Heart2Beat is creating advanced 3D human cardiac models using innovative technology, including human stem cell biology and engineering Passier’s goal is to create a functional human mini-heart that is able to actually pump fluid like a real heart. This and other...
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hDMT Agenda