Category Archives: News


Robert Passier from UTwente received a prestigious European Research Council (ERC) Advanced grant of 2.5 million Euro for his research on Advanced human models of the heart to understand cardiovascular disease (Heart2Beat). Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death worldwide. Current traditional experimental in vitro and animal models for studying it are not effective enough to develop new treatments. That’s why Heart2Beat is creating advanced 3D human cardiac models using innovative technology, including human stem cell biology and engineering Passier’s goal is to create a functional human mini-heart that is able to actually pump fluid like a real heart. This and other...

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Thesis Michelle Vis (TU/e): Bone-remodeling-on-a-chip: a step towards animal-free research opportunities

On June 19th, Michelle Vis successfully defended her thesis, entitled:” Microenvironmental advancement and miniaturization of human in vitro bone models”

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Thesis Anne Metje van Genderen about ‘Engineering the vascularized proximal tubule, a guide towards functionality’

Therefore, more research is needed to prevent the direct exposure of cells to the shrinking reagents. Using melt electrowriting, scaffolds were fabricated that are self-supportive, yet small-sized and highly porous. These scaffolds enable direct access to the basolateral and luminal cell sides to facilitate solute exchange with vasculature in immediate proximity, which is critical for functional proximal tubule constructs. The polymer applied, polycaprolactone, is used to prepare biomaterials that generally show good biocompatibility and is compatible with implantation in the future. Kidney proximal tubule cells and glomerular endothelial cells form polarized monolayers in our tubules, form their own extracellular matrix,...

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Thesis Milica Dostanić about sensorized platform for engineered heart tissues

On June 6th 2023 Milica Dostanic successfully defended her thesis, entitled: ‘Miniature sensorized platform for engineered heart tissues’ at Delft University of Technology. Her research was performed under the supervision of Lina Sarro and Massimo Mastrangeli from the faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science. Engineered Heart Tissues (EHTs) are promising 3D in vitro models aiming at recapitulating the (patho)physiology of adult human myocardium. Development of these models requires the symbiotic effort of many disciplines, such as biology, engineering, physics, chemistry, etc. Within this dissertation, an artificial dynamic microenvironment has been developed to facilitate the formation and promote maturation of EHTs assembled...

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First Organ-on-Chip student project as part of Minor Regenerative Medicine provided by University of Applied Sciences Leiden

The bachelor program Biology and Medical Laboratory Research from the University of Applied Sciences Leiden offers a minor Regenerative medicine development, in collaboration with companies located within the Leiden BioScience Park. This year, the Leiden Centre for Applied Bioscience (LCAB), the research institute of the Faculty of Science & Technology provided 5 students the opportunity to get acquainted with the gut-on-chip OrganoPlate model.  After an introductory training at Mimetas, the students continued their Caco-2 cell cultures in the cell culture laboratory of the University of Applied Sciences Leiden. They investigated which additional preparations will be required to successfully apply OrganoPlates...

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UMC Utrecht new partner of hDMT

As of May 1st 2023 hDMT has welcomed UMC Utrecht as a new partner of the hDMT Consortium. Jeffrey Beekman and Zsolt Sebestyén are the representatives in the hDMT Consortium Assembly.

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Modeling the pathogenesis of neurodevelopmental disorders using human induced pluripotent stem cells. Thesis Shan Wang (Radboudumc)

In her thesis Shan Wang used brain-on-a-chip approaches in order to bridge the gap between genetic findings in NDDs and relevant cellular phenotypes.

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The ISSCR Releases Global Standards to Enhance Rigor and Reproducibility of Stem Cell Research

The International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR) released the ISSCR Standards for Human Stem Cell Use in Research, an international collaboration aimed at enhancing rigor in preclinical research and ultimately strengthening the pipeline of therapies for patients. Christine Mummery and colleagues were among the many dedicated expert scientists who established this document. These new guidelines will also provide invaluable aid to authors, journal editors, and reviewers in the stem cell field when considering publications. “This nearly two-year initiative is groundbreaking for the global stem cell research community,” said Haifan Lin, ISSCR president. “The international standards will make a big...

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NXTGEN HIGHTECH program officially launched

The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy has officially approved the NXTGEN HIGHTECH program. With the support of the National Growth Fund, more than 330 parties from industry and knowledge institutes will work together

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