Category Archives: Scientists in the spotlight

Enjoy this Science Story of Massimo Mastrangeli’s organ-on-a-chip devices

Associate professor Massimo Mastrangeli is the embodiment of enthusiasm for scientific research. He specifically exudes passion for his own field, namely that of organs-on-chip. “What I would like people to know about this field of research? That it’s amazing!”, exclaims Massimo. “An organ-on-chip is a (micro)chip that contains human tissues or cells. It allows the tissue to feel “at home”, because the chip replicates aspects that the cells need, like artificial blood vessels that provide the cells with nutrients and oxygen, and stimulation through electricity, for example. Organs-on-chip allow us to deepen our knowledge of the human physiology, and can...

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Portrait and video Luc van der Laan

Liver diseases have a significant impact on a patient’s life. Treatments don’t always succeed, and sometimes organ transplantation is the only way out. Luc van der Laan studies the most suitable treatment using organoids and seeks to better understand liver diseases. “A lot of trial and error is required, but ultimately, you make progress. It’s a matter of persistence.” Luc van der Laan is a professor of regenerative medicine and head of the Laboratory of Experimental Transplantation and Intestinal Surgery (LETIS) at Erasmus MC. He was recently appointed as a Medical Delta professor with an affiliation at TU Delft. Van der Laan...

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PhD student Spotlight competition

1st prize (€ 300,-) for Dennis Nahon (LUMC; blood-brain-barrier) in the new this year PhD student Spotlight competition, enabling PhD students to demonstrate their research by a short video. Read more about our lively 6th annual Consortium meeting here.

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PhD student Spotlight competition

2nd prize (€ 200,-) for Beatrice Gabbin (LUMC; cardio-renal unit) in the new this year PhD student Spotlight competition, enabling PhD students to demonstrate their research by a short video. Read more about our lively 6th annual Consortium meeting here.

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PhD student Spotlight competition

3rd prize (€ 100,-) for Theano Tsikari (LUMC, vascular unit) in the new this year PhD student Spotlight competition, enabling PhD students to demonstrate their research by a short video. Read more about our lively 6th annual Consortium meeting here.

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PhD student Spotlight competition

3rd prize (€ 100,-) for Huub Weener (UTwente; COVID and vessels) in the new this year PhD student Spotlight competition, enabling PhD students to demonstrate their research by a short video. Read more about our lively 6th annual Consortium meeting here.

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Sue Gibbs (Amsterdam UMC, ACTA)

Sue Gibbs is Professor of Skin and Mucosa Regenerative Medicine at the Department of Molecular Cell Biology and Immunology, Amsterdam UMC location VUMC and at the Department of Oral Cell Biology, ACTA. What sort of research are you doing? “My research is focused on human skin and oral mucosa biology, and in particular in animal alternative methods to develop novel therapeutic strategies for treating and preventing human disease. I combine research in stem cell biology and immunology with advances in tissue engineering. The current focus lies with developing next generation immune competent skin and mucosa tissue engineered constructs to understand the...

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Erik Danen (Leiden University)

Erik Danen is Professor of Cancer Drug Target Discovery at the Division of Drug Discovery & Safety of the Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research (LACDR), Leiden University. What sort of research are you doing? “My research deals with cellular signaling mechanisms in normal and diseased cells and I have a long-standing interest in cell adhesion signaling. How is information from the environment sensed, integrated, and translated into a cellular response? What are the mechanisms controlling whether cells survive and grow or die, whether they move or stay in one place? How do cells respond to changes in their environment, including...

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Regina Luttge (TU/e)

Regina Luttge is chair of the Neuro-Nanoscale Engineering group at TU/e’s Microsystems section and ICMS Institute of Complex Molecular Systems. (photo: ICMS) What sort of research are you doing? “My group works on methods for the temporal and spatial control of the cellular microenvironment by utilizing nano- and microfabrication. Finding appropriate technological control mechanisms is key to developing physiological and clinically relevant solutions for the prevention, relief and cure of human diseases. My research line also covers the general investigation and development of microsystems for medicine and biology. We make microsystems with integrated bio-inspired functionality mediated by down-scaling device features and adjusting material properties...

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Jolanda van der Velden (VUmc)

Jolanda van der Velden is chair of the Physiology department at the VUmc and co-director of Amsterdam Cardiovascular Sciences, the VUmc/AMC research institute. What sort of research are you doing? We focus on physiological research on heart muscle cell pathology and its translation to the clinic. The disease I am working on is Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy or HCM, a lethal genetic heart disease affecting  about 60.000 people in the Netherlands. I applied for an NWO VICI grant three times, the last time I succeeded. And in the mean time I applied at ZonMw with the ENERGY trial proposal, which also got granted. The ENERGY trial is a phase...

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