BioCHIP Berlin Making Small for Big

We cordially invite you to join the 4th Biochip Forum in Berlin. BioCHIP Berlin focuses on technologies and applications of microfluidic platforms, fabrication techniques, system integration and emerging applications for life sciences. Demonstrate expertise, see device up and running, and establish new contacts, the forum will provide companies engaged in development on/and the use of...

MPS World Summit 2024

The Microphysiological Systems (MPS) World Summit will take place on June 10 - June 14, 2024. At the Seattle Convention Center - Summit Building, Seattle, Washington.

EUROoCS Digital Meeting sessions!

This session will feature three brilliant researchers who are making groundbreaking advancements in Organ-on-Chip technology. Featuring: Mara Lucchetti, Mohammad Jouybar and Janko Kajtez

The 3Rs and NAMs: all-inclusive?

On June 19, 2024, the conference ‘The 3Rs and NAMs: all-inclusive’ will take place at the Jaarbeurs Media Plaza in Utrecht. The conference aims to connect the 3Rs framework to that of NAMs, exploring the best way forward for human-based biomedical basic and translational science. Professors Hans Clevers and Thomas Hartung will deliver keynote presentations!...

ProRISC & SAFE Conference

Semiconductor Advances for Future Electronics and Sensors (SAFE) is an annual conference focusing on Microsystems Technology and Materials, covering fields from RF-devices to Organ-on-a-Chip. Organized by PhD students from the three Dutch technical universities and running for over 20 years, it's a prime networking opportunity. This conference targets specifically the early stage researchers (1st year...

EUROoCS Annual Meeting 2024

The Annual Meeting of the European organ-on-Chip Society takes place on July 3- July 5, 2024, in Milan, Italy. 

ISSCR 2024

The Global Stem Cell Event, ISSCR, is coming to Europe in 2024. ISSCR 2024 is organized in Hamburg (Germany) from 10-13 July 2024.

3D Printing and Biofabrication

Additive manufacturing (3D printing) uses a layer-by-layer principle for manufacturing. This one-week course will provide an insight into the opportunities of additive manufacturing technologies and 3D (bio)printing in biomedical applications. Study load Five full days. Costs Course fee: €1000.00 Included: Course + course materials + lunch Housing fee: €200 Housing provider: Utrecht Summer School This course is endorsed by...

Digital lectures: Andries van der Meer

Andries van der Meer will present the recently published CEN-CENELEC Focus Group Organ-on-Chip Standardization Roadmap at the upcoming EUROoCS Digital Meeting!

Annual IC-3Rs Symposium

The Innovation Centre 3Rs (IC-3Rs) is a scientific platform at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) that promotes the implementation of the 3Rs (Replace, Reduce, Refine) in scientific research by using state-of-the-art technology and New Approach Methodologies (NAMs). More information here.


The 2nd edition of the MicroPhysio conference on "Micro-physiological models: From organoids to organs-on-chip"  will take place at the CNRS center in Cargèse (

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