The Erasmus MC Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine Institute (ESRI)
The Erasmus MC Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine Institute (ESRI) is a virtual institute, initiated to combine, expand and integrate multi-disciplinary basic research with translational and clinical research. The ESRI aims to develop innovative regenerative therapies for injured tissues and organs, and to educate and train medical students and young scientists in this multi-disciplinary, exciting field. An important facility within the ESRI is the induced-Pluripotent Stem Cell (iPS) core facility.
- Patient specific stem cell isolation, expansion and genetic manipulation.
- Generation of patient specific organoids, from liver, intestine, kidney and tumors.
- Expertise in cell differentiation towards many different cell and tissue types.
- Erasmus MC iPS core facility
- Optical imaging facility
- Center for Biomics
- Proteomics center
Zofia Komar works on prediction of breast cancer chemotherapy response
On October 1, Zofia Komar started as PhD student in the group of Dik van Gent at Erasmus MC, Department of Molecular Genetics, in collaboration with Agnes Jager (Medical Oncology) and Adriaan Houtsmuller (Optical...
Read moreAdded value for hDMT
- Ample expertise in stem cell biology
- Patient specific primary cells of diseased tissue.
- Expertise in stem cell differentiation towards a wide variety in cell types and tissues, including, neuronal lineages, liver, kidney, bone, lung.
- Patient specific organoids and tumoroids.
- Coordinator (together with TU Delft) of BSc and MSc in Nanobiology curriculum.
Added value for Erasmus MC
- Chip-technology for high throughput readout of phenotypes.
- Expertise on technology for high throughput drug screens.
- Expertise in developing custom chip devices for 3D cell culture.
Ongoing Research
Groups Kushner, Elgersma, Gribnau
- Patient specific and genetically modified iPS cell lines, to study neural differentiation and function.
Groups Kanaar, van Driel, Martens
- Development of patient specific tumoroids
- Model systems for cancer metastasis
- Devices for characterization of circulating cancer cells
Neurons are recruited to a memory trace based on relative neuronal excitability immediately before training. Yiu AP, Mercaldo V, Yan C, Richards B, Rashid AJ, Hsiang HL, Pressey J, Mahadevan V, Tran MM, Kushner SA, Woodin MA, Frankland PW, Josselyn SA. Neuron. 2014 Aug 6;83(3):722-35. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2014.07.017.
Epigenetic characterization of the FMR1 promoter in induced pluripotent stem cells from human fibroblasts carrying an unmethylated full mutation. de Esch CE, Ghazvini M, Loos F, Schelling-Kazaryan N, Widagdo W, Munshi ST, van der Wal E, Douben H, Gunhanlar N, Kushner SA, Pijnappel WW, de Vrij FM, Geijsen N, Gribnau J, Willemsen R. Stem Cell Reports. 2014 Oct 14;3(4):548-55. doi: 10.1016/j.stemcr.2014.07.013.
An essential role for UBE2A/HR6A in learning and memory and mGLUR-dependent long-term depression.Bruinsma CF, Savelberg SM, Kool MJ, Jolfaei MA, Van Woerden GM, Baarends WM, Elgersma Y. Hum Mol Genet. 2016 Jan 1;25(1):1-8. doi: 10.1093/hmg/ddv436.
More publications
Stable X chromosome reactivation in female human induced pluripotent stem cells. Barakat TS, Ghazvini M, de Hoon B, Li T, Eussen B, Douben H, van der Linden R, van der Stap N, Boter M, Laven JS, Galjaard RJ, Grootegoed JA, de Klein A, Gribnau J. Stem Cell Reports. 2015 Feb 10;4(2):199-208. doi: 10.1016/j.stemcr.2014.12.012.
Tumor slice culture system to assess drug response of primary breast cancer. Naipal KA, Verkaik NS, Sánchez H, van Deurzen CH, den Bakker MA, Hoeijmakers JH, Kanaar R, Vreeswijk MP, Jager A, van Gent DC. BMC Cancer. 2016 Feb 9;16:78. doi: 10.1186/s12885-016-2119-2.
Proteomic signatures of extracellular vesicles secreted by nonmineralizing and mineralizing human osteoblasts and stimulation of tumor cell growth. Morhayim J, van de Peppel J, Demmers JA, Kocer G, Nigg AL, van Driel M, Chiba H, van Leeuwen JP. FASEB J. 2015 Jan;29(1):274-85. doi: 10.1096/fj.14-261404.
Prognostic Impact of HER2 and ER Status of Circulating Tumor Cells in Metastatic Breast Cancer Patients with a HER2-Negative Primary Tumor. Beije N, Onstenk W, Kraan J, Sieuwerts AM, Hamberg P, Dirix LY, Brouwer A, de Jongh FE, Jager A, Seynaeve CM, Van NM, Foekens JA, Martens JW, Sleijfer S. Neoplasia. 2016 Oct 17;18(11):647-653. doi: 10.1016/j.neo.2016.08.007.