This can help in faster translation of in vitro data towards human data and result in better predictive models. Currently, the focus of TNO is on liver (NASH), gut (incl. microbiome) and lung (also with host-microbiome interactions), these areas are complementary to the current focus of hDMT.
Easy access to available state-of-the-art technologies, knowledge and expertise of different (academic) partners
TNO is internationally recognized partner for system biology, disease pathways and models, innovative read-out technologies and a personalized health approach. Within TNO specific expertise and technologies that are relevant for the development of organ-on-a-chip platforms are present. TNO harbors high level knowledge and technologies regarding biological systems, organ function, and disease development. The technologies include advanced in vitro (human cells, tissues, microbiome), in vivo (humanized animal models, human studies) and in silico (systems biology, PBPK modeling, etc.) systems, as well as various unique analytical tools (3D printing, -omics, accelerator mass spectrometry, imaging) which are highly relevant for generation, validation and application of organ-on-a- 2/3 chip technology. Furthermore, TNO harbors technologies such as microfluidics and optical imaging which will be highly relevant for the automation of screening tools and development of online readout systems. Also the 3D (bio)printing expertise at TNO is very useful to develop more sophisticated chips by printing specific scaffolds or even printing cells in 3D to form a more physiological organ model.
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hDMT Agenda
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