Added value hDMT

Expertise of the MESA+ institute for Nanotechnology and the Technical Medical Centre (TechMed Centre) 

  • Leading Dutch center in BioNanoTechnology
  • Leading Dutch center for applied microfluidics
  • Leading Dutch center for technology inspired regenerative medicine
  • Leading Dutch center in technology inspired applied cell biology

Expertise and facilities:



Microfluidic devices design and testing including droplet microfluidics, microfluidics for cell culture, microfluidics for diagnostics

Organic chemistry and polymer chemistry

Membrane process technology

Biofabrication technology and 3D manufacturing of scaffolds

Technology inspired regenerative medicine


Mesa+ NanoLab (cleanroom) for nanofabrication

Mesa+ BioNanoLab with high throughput robotics and high content imaging

State of the art facilities for organic and polymer chemistry and process technology

State of the art cell culture facilities

State of the art facilities for molecular biology at ML1 and ML2 level


Group Claessens

Development of a platform to induce Lewy bodies (pathological characteristic of Parkinson’s disease) in neuronal cell lines and primary neurons. Chris Raiss. Funded by the NWO VIDI grant of Mireille Claessens.

Influence of the induction of different types of Lewy bodies on the activity of primaryneurons using electrophysiological measuring. Collaboration with Joost le Feber. Proposal in preparation.

Relationship between formation of different types of Lewy bodies and toxicity in a model system. Collaboration with Irene Konings and Kirsten Leijenhorst. Funding by Stichting Parkinson Fonds.

Development of a platform to study signal transduction and protein aggregation in neuronal networks derived from iPS cells using super resolution microscopy. Project Amin Abolghassemi Fakhree. Collaboration with the group of Sjef Copray.

Study on improvement of the quality of cartilage using protein-fibril-based scaffolds.Maurice van Dalen/DBE group. Funding by MESA+ graduate school.

Lipid vesicles or supported lipid bilayers as model system for cell membranes.


The end of animal testing by Organs-on-Chips?

Almost everyone would like to ban animal testing.

Read more

Added value UTwente

Collaborations with University Medical Centers

Access to patient material

Translational research using technology developed at the University of Twente


Group Karperien

Microwell platforms for stem cell culture and cartilage engineering
Dutch Arthritis Association program grant, CSC grant Chinese Government (M. Karperien).

Microwell platforms for culture and transplantation of Islets of Langerhans (collaboration with Galapagos B.V. and E. de Koning, LUMC). Diabetes Cell Replacement Initiative (DCTI) (Karperien / van Apeldoorn).

Microfluidic systems for preparation of microgels mimicking cellular micro-niches using in situ gelating hydrogels of ECM molecules.
Dutch Arthritis Association (Karperien).

Microfluidic systems for the preparation of microgels for conformal encapsulation of Islets of Langerhans using in situ gelating hydrogels of ECM molecules. (collaboration with Galapagos B.V. and E. de Koning, LUMC). Diabetes Cell Replacement Initiative (DCTI) (Karperien).

Development of software tools for modelling of biological signaling routes.
(collaboration with J van de Pol, UTwente) Dutch Arthritis Association program grant, MIRA voucher (Karperien, Post).


Group van den Berg

Human blood vessel model, e.g. for arterial (e.g. atherosclerosis) and venous thrombosis (collaboration LUMC/Philips Research). Funding by ZonMW Cardiotox in hPSC (R. Passier, LUMC), ERC Advanced (C. Mummery, LUMC).

Human Blood-Brain-Barrier model (collaboration Mimetas, Wyss institute).

Group Stamatialis

06C.12 High throughput screening of biologically active surface nano-topographies ithin the 06C. NANO-BIO INTERFACES & DEVICES (NBID). NanoNext project (together with Prof. Jan de Boer (TR group)).

Group le Gac

Lung on a chip.


Robert Passier

Andries van der Meer




Westein, E., van der Meer, A.D., Kuijpers, M.J., Frimat, J.P., van den Berg, A., Heemskerk, J.W..Atherosclerotic geometries exacerbate pathological thrombus formation poststenosis in a von Willebrand factor-dependent manner. PNAS 2013: 110(4) 1357-1362.

Van der Meer, A.D., Orlova, V.V., ten Dijke, P., van den Berg, A., Mummery, C.L.. Threedimensional co-cultures of human endothelial cells and embryonic stem cell-derived pericytes inside a microfluidic device. Lab on a chip 2013 DOI:10.1039/C3LC50435B.

Griep, L.M., Wolbers, F., de Wagenaar, B., et al. BBB ON CHIP: microfluidic platform to mechanically and biochemically modulate blood-brain barrier function. Biomedical microdevices 2013: 15(1) 145-150.

Stimberg, V.C., Bomer, J.G., van Uitert, I., van den Berg, A. and le Gac, S. High yield, reproducible and quasi-automated bilayer formation in a microfluidic format. Small, 2013, 9(7), 1076-1085.

Hofmeijer, J., Mulder, A.T.B., Farinha, A.C., van Putten, M.J.A.M., le Feber, J. Mild hypoxia affects synaptic connectivity in cultured neuronal networks. Brain Research 2014, 1557, 180-189.

Leijten, J, Georgi, N, Moreira Teixeira, L, van Blitterswijk, C.A., Post, J.N., Karperien, M. Metabolic programming of mesenchymal stromal cells by oxygen tension directs chondrogenic cell fate. PNAS 2014, 111(38):13954-9.

 Buitinga, M., Truckenmüller, R., Engelse, M.A., Moroni, L., Ten Hoopen, H.W., van Blitterswijk, C.A., de Koning, E.J., van Apeldoorn, A.A., Karperien, M. Microwell scaffolds for the extrahepatic transplantation of islets of Langerhans. PLoS One. 2013 May 30;8(5):e64772. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0064772.

Spijker, H.S., Ravelli, R.B., Mommaas-Kienhuis, A.M., van Apeldoorn, A.A., Engelse, M.A., Zaldumbide, A., Bonner-Weir, S., Rabelink, T.J., Hoeben, R.C., Clevers, H., Mummery, C.L., Carlotti, F., de Koning, E.J. Conversion of mature human -cells into glucagon-producing -cells. Diabetes. 2013 Jul;62(7):2471-80. doi: 10.2337/db12-1001. Epub 2013 Apr 8.

Schivo, S., Scholma, J., Urquidi Camacho, R.A., van de Pol, J., Karperien, M., Post, J.N.,Biological networks 101: computational modeling for molecular biologists, Gene. 2014 Jan 1;533(1):379-84. doi: 10.1016/j.gene.2013.10.010. Epub 2013 Oct 12.

Truckenmüller, R., Giselbrecht, S., Escalante-Marun, M, Groenendijk, M., Papenburg, B.,Rivron, N., Unadkat, H., Saile, V, Subramaniam, V., van den Berg, A., van Blitterswijk, C.,Wessling, M., de Boer, J., Stamatialis, D.. Fabrication of cell container arrays with overlaid topographies, Biomed. Microdev., 14 (2012) 95-107.

Relevant patents

Group Karperien

P96086EP00: A dextran-based tissuelette containing platelet-rich plasma lysate for cartilage repair. 2011. L. Moreira Teixeira, P. J. Dijkstra, M. Karperien.

P88580EP00: Functionalized VHH for application in tissue repair, organ regeneration, organ replacement and tissue engineering. 2009. M. Karperien, E. Rodrigues, M. El Khatabi, C.A. van Blitterswijk, J. de Boer, C.T Verrips.

P89756EP00: Heparin Tyramine Based Hydrogels. 2009. M. Karperien, R. Jin, L. Moreira-Teixeira, P. Dijkstra, J. Feijen.

P89757EP00: Dextran-Hyaluronic Acid Based Hydrogels. 2009. M. Karperien, R. Jin, L.Moreira-Teixeira, P. Dijkstra, J. Feijen.

P89239EP00: Scaffold for diabetes treatment. 2009 A.A. van Apeldoorn, C.A. van Blitterswijk, M.A. Engelse, E.J.P. de Koning, M. Karperien.

Group Stamatialis

High throughput screening method and apparatus for analyzing interactions between surfaces with different topography and environment, J. de Boer, C. van Blitterswijk, H. Unadkat, D.F. Stamatialis, B. Papenburg, M. Wessling WO 2009/058015 A1 (2009).

Group Claessens

Provisional patent on platform to induce Lewy bodies (pathological characteristic of Parkinson’s disease) in neuronal cell lines and primary neurons.