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NWO invites researchers and partners to organise consortia that will set out to do innovative research and develop solutions for societal issues, while realising economic potential, to submit an application for a long-term programme.
Read moreResearchers with a promising idea or an innovative and high-risk initiative can submit new applications in 2025 within the new call of the Open Competition Science – XS, round 2025.
Read moreThe Open Technology Programme provides funding for free and unrestricted applied and technical-scientific research without disciplinary boundaries. The programme offers companies and other organizations an accessible way to participate in scientific research that is intended to have societal and/or scientific impact.
Read moreEnterprising scientists who want to investigate whether it is feasible to commercially apply an innovative research result can apply for funding via Take-off phase 1 - Feasibility studies WO. This program is aimed at stimulating and supporting economic activity and entrepreneurship on the basis of science.
Read moreInternational research experience is often essential for building up one’s scientific career. Rubicon offers talented researchers who have completed their doctorates in the past year the chance to gain experience at a research institution outside the Kingdom of the Netherlands,
Read moreVici is part of the NWO Talent programme. The Vici target group consists of researchers at the stage of consolidation and further development of their leadership/research group.
Read moreThis calls aims for validation of new approach methods in a regulatory context, with the ultimate goal to implement new animal-free, human relevant methods as OECD guidelines or establish qualified models to be used in efficacy testings for new pharmaceuticals.
Read moreAimed at the validation of animal free research. Collaboration between ZonMw and German BMBF. Stimulates PPS between NL and DE. More info here.
Read moreIn the Off Road 2025 grant round, the ZonMw program More Knowledge with Fewer Animals, together with the Dutch Society for the Replacement of Animal Testing, allocates €500,000 for the New Approach Methodologies (NAMs) investment module. This module is designed to encourage researchers to conduct their projects without animal testing, instead use animal-free...
Read moreDESCRIPTION OF THIS OPPORTUNITY To ensure crew safety for long-duration missions beyond Low Earth Orbit (LEO), we need to further characterise, monitor, and address the physiological challenges identified in LEO research programmes as we aim for more remote destinations. These goals could benefit from the use of advanced models that...
Read moreTopic 1 (SO1): contribute towards a better understanding of the determinants of health and priority disease areas. IHI call 9 will be a single-stage, applicant-driven call with five topics aligned with the five specific objectives set out in the IHI Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA). For this call, we want applicants...
Read moreThe aim of the Kolff+ Program is an innovative renal field with a strong knowledge base that leads to optimal impact for the patient. The Program promotes talent, creativity and following up on successful research within a strategic framework that is directed at impact for the patient. Budget: Student Researcher...
Read moreSupport for excellent Principal Investigators at the career stage at which they may still be consolidating their own independent research team or programme. Deadline: January 14th 2025 (Opens 26 September 2024) More info here.
Read moreMSCA Staff Exchanges (2023/24) MSCA Staff Exchanges promote innovative international, inter-sectoral and interdisciplinary collaboration in research and innovation through exchanging staff and sharing knowledge and ideas at all stages of the innovation chain. The scheme fosters a shared culture of research and innovation that welcomes and rewards creativity and entrepreneurship...
Read moreOnderzoekers die onderzoek op postdoc-niveau hebben verricht en hun eigen vernieuwende ideeën succesvol tot ontwikkeling hebben gebracht zijn van harte welkom om een aanvraag in te dienen voor een Vidi-beurs. Zij mogen een eigen vernieuwende onderzoekslijn ontwikkelen en daartoe zelf één of meer onderzoekers aanstellen. De subsidie bedraagt maximaal 850.000...
Read moreIn the NWO Open Competition Domain Science – M, researchers can apply individually or in collaboration for non-programmed, curiosity-driven basic research. This funding instrument is open for proposals with a research question in or overlapping the fields of earth sciences, astronomy, chemistry, computer science, life sciences, physics and mathematics. Purpose...
Read moreIn the NWO Open Competition Domain Science – M, researchers can apply individually or in collaboration for non-programmed, curiosity-driven basic research. This funding instrument is open for proposals with a research question in or overlapping the fields of earth sciences, astronomy, chemistry, computer science, life sciences, physics and mathematics. Purpose...
Read moreNWO Domain AES invites researchers and users (companies, societal organisations) to jointly submit new, challenging research projects within the application-oriented and technical sciences that generate economic and social impact in thematic areas relevant to the Netherlands. Purpose Innovation that has an economic and social impact often requires a large-scale approach....
Read moreCall for Proposals A total of € 6,8 million in financing has been budgeted by SBMC for a programme, intended to stimulate and support R&D projects geared towards developing products and services that serve the regenerative medicine & biomaterials roadmaps directly, or enable derivative products in the value chain. SBMC...
Read moreThe Netherlands faces major societal and economic challenges. The high-tech sector plays a crucial role in the transitions needed to overcome these challenges. The new HTSM call 2024, a collaboration with top sector Holland High Tech, aims to stimulate fundamental and application-oriented research in the field of High Tech Systems...
Read moreBent u ondernemer of een wetenschappelijke instelling en doet u onderzoek binnen de regeneratieve geneeskunde? Dan kunt u mogelijk een combinatie van een subsidie en lening ontvangen vanuit de Subsidieregeling Regeneratief Geneeskundige Onderzoeksprojecten (SRGO). De SRGO stimuleert midden- en kleinbedrijven (mkb’ers) en wetenschappelijke instellingen om samen te werken bij onderzoek...
Read moreCall for proposals for the further development of human measurement models To stimulate the development of human measurement models, the Association of Dutch Health Foundations Samenwerkende GezondheidsFondsen (SGF) together with Top Sector Life Sciences & Health (Health~Holland) and the Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development (ZonMw) have opened a...
Read moreThe next submission date for the new KIEM HighTech 2024 subsidy scheme is May 21, 2024. Do you know or are you an entrepreneur or researcher for whom this scheme is interesting? With the new subsidy scheme KIEM HighTech 2024, Holland High Tech and Regieorgaan SIA stimulate and finance short-term...
Read moreSince this week, NWO has opened the call for the PhD scholarship programme Mosaic 2.0. The programme is aimed at Dutch migrant graduates and/or children of migrants with a master’s degree. The aim is to stimulate the influx of this group into science by funding PhD positions. The subject of...
Read moreTo replace the Match Call, LSH has set up a one-time pilot call for PPP collaborations. In the Pilot Call 2024 7.5 million PPP subsidy is available. Proposed project applications need to contribute to the central mission and one of the five specific missions as described in the Knowledge and...
Read moreTo stimulate innovative research projects that are necessary for the next step in translating cardiovascular research findings towards application in health care the Dutch Heart Foundation (Hartstichting) has its own PPP program. Follows standard PPP rules, at least one public and one private partner. of 150K PP allowance + co-funding...
Read moreTo support setting up new research lines with a clear focus on fundamental (bio)medical research, ZonMw has its Open Competition 2024 call. A curiosity driven call, with additional focus on knowledge utilisation and participation. One main applicant and at least one co-applicant 800K – 1.05 M per project Submission project...
Read moreTo encourage the exploration of innovative ideas Stichting Proefdiervrij has set up a pilot call. These smaller projects should serve as the starting point for bigger research projects. Project proposal should be 100% animal free, FCS free and have an (potential) impact on animal use. Researchers in any stage of...
Read moreHealth research that is of high predictive value for humans is important. Human measurement models, utilizing data, tissues, and cells from humans, center around the human perspective. They allow research to become more predictable and applicable to patients. To stimulate the development of these human measurement models, the Samenwerkende Gezondheidsfondsen (SGF), ZonMw and Health~Holland...
Read moreTopic: Developing sustainable and innovative products and services within the LSH sector by joint investment of for-profit enterprises and research organizations in research and development (R&D). PPP allowance Criteria: Fit within the Knowledge and Innovation Agenda 2024-2027 of the Top Sector High quality At least 1 for-profit enterprise and 1...
Read morePurpose The ENW-XS category is specifically intended to encourage curiosity-driven and bold research that involves the relatively rapid exploration of a promising idea. At the end of the ENW-XS project, researchers can decide for themselves whether or not to pursue this new line of research any further....
Read morePurpose: Researchers can apply individually or in collaboration for non- programmed, curiosity-driven research. This funding instrument is open for proposals with a research question in or overlapping the fields of earth sciences, astronomy, chemistry, computer science, life sciences, physics and mathematics. Category: The Open Competition Domain Science – M consists...
Read moreTo stimulate the development of a new generation of hightech equipment, 10.6 million euros is available for research. The future-proof hightech equipment is targeting sustainability, digitisation, healthcare and technology sovereignty of The Netherlands. This PPS-call is part of the NXTGEN Hightech programme, which is financed in the context of the...
Read morePurpose The aim is to enable an interdisciplinary approach to prevention and treatment of kidney graft failure. Interdisciplinary projects focus on research leading to biomedical breakthroughs. The social aspects (e.g. economic and ethical aspects, inclusivity, communication, behaviour and autonomy of users) are an integral part of...
Read morePurpose The aim of the NWA-ORC 2024 call for proposals is to encourage research that is set up and carried out by interdisciplinary consortia that include representatives from the full breadth of the knowledge chain as well as relevant societal (public and/or private) partners, including citizens....
Read morePurpose: The Open Technology Programme focuses on technical-scientific research and is characterised by the absence of disciplinary boundaries. The Open Technology Programme aims to realise knowledge transfer between technical sciences and users, which is in line with the mission of the NWO domain Applied and Engineering Sciences. Research applications are...
Read moreNWO is expected to launch the call ‘Future-proof high-tech equipment’ in January 2024. This call is the first call stemming from the National Growth Fund programme NXTGEN Hightech. NWO provides funding for developing a new generation of high-tech equipment aimed at sustainability, digitalisation, health and technology sovereignty of the Netherlands....
Read morePurpose: Strengthen the RI available to the research community in the Netherlands. The instrument focuses on designing innovative RI that is of (inter)national importance, which can be used to achieve innovations and breakthroughs with a high value for science, society, and business. Proposals may be submitted by national consortia from...
Read moreAccelerating the implementation of New Approach Methodologies and other innovative non-animal approaches for the development, testing and production of health technologies Scope: Animals and animal-derived materials are widely used in biomedical research and in the production and development of health technologies. This raises serious ethical concerns, and there is growing...
Read moreBio-printing of living cells for regenerative medicine 3D bio-printing is confronted with several challenges that currently hamper its large-scale deployment. Proposals should address most of the following activities: Design the best bio-printing strategy for at least one type of tissue thanks to a better understanding of the interconnections of the...
Read moreDeveloping EU methodological frameworks for clinical/performance evaluation and post-market clinical/performance follow-up of medical devices and in vitro diagnostic medical devices (IVDs) Research is needed to help regulators develop common methodological frameworks (including common specifications) on the clinical evidence needed to demonstrate safety, performance and clinical benefit all along the life...
Read moreGaining experience and confidence in New Approach Methodologies (NAM) for regulatory safety and efficacy testing – coordinated training and experience exchange for EU regulators Focus on alternatives to the use of animals for regulatory safety and efficacy testing. Applicants should propose activities that bring together NAM developers and NAM users...
Read moreThe Summit Grant offers research funding for ten years to scientific consortia that have proved in the course of their existing collaboration that they are among the absolute world leaders, or are very close to reaching that status and can make the leap to the very top with the help...
Read moreInnovative non-animal human-based tools and strategies for biomedical research Develop and/or use tools and strategies that address critical areas of biomedical research where animal-models are currently used but are of limited translational value for investigation and development of prevention and treatment. Such advanced tools and strategies should aim at a...
Read moreIntegrated, multi-scale computational models of patient patho-physiology (‘virtual twins’) for personalised disease management Develop multi-scale and multi-organ, dynamic, interoperable, modular computational models, capable of accurately simulating the individual patient pathophysiology, spanning different anatomical scales, from the molecular to cell, tissue, organ and systems level, as necessary. Proposals should be multidisciplinary...
Read moreTackling under-researched high-burden medical conditions Call: HORIZON-HLTH-2024-DISEASE-03-14- two-stage Total budget: 25 M€ Per project: 6-7 M € Open: 23 March 2023; Deadline: stage 1, 19 September 2023; stage 2, 11 April 2024 More information: Pre-publication work programs Horizon Europe: Horizon Europe work programmes ( see cluster 1 work program
Read moreValidation of fluid-derived biomarkers for the prediction and prevention of brain disorders Call: HORIZON-HLTH-2024-DISEASE-03-13- two-stage Total budget: 25 M€ Per project: 6-8 M € Open: 23 March 2023; Deadline: stage 1, 19 September 2023; stage 2, 11 April 2024 More information: Pre-publication work programs Horizon Europe: Horizon Europe work programmes (
Read moreResearch
Scientist in the spotlight
Funding opportunities
hDMT Agenda