PROPER THERAPY: PROof-of-concePt for a human hEaRt model to test patient-specific THERAPY-responsiveness

Jolanda van der Velden (Amsterdam UMC) and colleagues have received a €859.014 grant from NWO Human Measurement Models 2.0 to perform disease modelling and treatment testing on 2D/3D models of iPSC-cardiomyocytes for carriers of MYBPC3 and VLCAD mutations causing cardiomyopathies. The PROPER-THERAPY team involves a collaboration between 4 academic (Amsterdam UMC, Erasmus MC, UMC Maastricht, UMC Utrecht) and 3 industrial (CytoCypher, Ionoptix, InVitroSys GmbH) partners, and aims to build proof that the metabolic state of the heart underlies drug responsiveness in inherited cardiomyopathies. Experts in metabolism team up with experts in physiology to better define the link between contractile function and metabolism of stem cell-derived heart models.

The Partnership programme Human Measurement models 2.0 for research into the treatment and/or prevention of diseases is funded by the Association of Collaborating Health Foundations (SGF) with a PPP allowance made available by Health-Holland (Top Sector Life Sciences & Health), and by ZonMw and NWO Domain AES.

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