Shriya Rangaswamy joined NOCI for Brain-on-Chip research

Shriya Rangaswamy started her PhD with the Electronic Components, Technology and Materials (ECTM) Department at TU Delft from October, 2021. She received her Master’s degree in Biomedical Engineering from TU Delft in March, 2021. She collaborated with BI/OND Solutions as a part of her Master Thesis, where she focused on developing a proof-of-concept for a Heart-On-Chip device with integrated TiN micro-electrode arrays insulated by silicon nitride and embedded in a thick PDMS micro-fluidic membrane. During her Bachelor’s, she majored in Biotechnology and worked closely on tissue culture experiments to study the behaviour of cancer cells.

Her diverse background in biology coupled with technology motivated her to opt for a PhD within the Netherlands Organ-on-Chip Initiative (NOCI) group under the supervision of Dr. Massimo Mastrangeli. Her main focus in the PhD will be aimed at developing a functional Brain-On-Chip device with integrated micro-electrodes on transparent 3D membranes in order to study activity within neural networks in all spatial dimensions.

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